Metasploit Basic Commands

Today we will learn about most basic commands in Metasploit. But first, what is metasploit?. I can say Metasploit is a hackers and pentesters framework with shitload of modules just like that. Skip that let's check it out!

1. Search for something in metasploit, never search for a girl cause they're not here :D
msf > search <something like modules or auxiliary or payloads>
2. If you know or found what you want, you can execute by using 'use' command, example:
msf > use auxiliary/server/browser_autopwn
3. Specify a Payload, similar to 'use' but now we use 'set' as command to specify your payload, example:
 msf > set payload windows/meterpreter/reverse_tcp
3.5. 'set' command is also used to specify your ip address or victim ip or port or whatever in the options.

4. To see what is the requirements of the exploit or auxiliary you used, you can use 'show options' command, example:
 msf auxiliary(browser_autopwn2) > show options
5. To start your exploit you can use 'exploit' command, but if you are using auxiliary then the command change to 'run'

There are sooo many commands in metasploit, but here's the basic you need to know. for now there's an ebook called metasploit cheat sheet you need to read. you can download it here


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